Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Blac(k) vs Pantone colours There are times when our customers may want specific pantone printing references used in his or her project. However, more often than not, utilizing colours from CMYK would serve the client well, both in design and expense. In this article, we will define terms such as “CMYK” and “Pantone.” We will also provide an example of when each might be … [Read more...]
10 reasons to send business Christmas Cards this year… Number 8 is a no brainer!
Business Christmas cards - a great way to promote your business: Are you looking for a new way to... ....Promote a new product? ....Remind your customer that you are still going strong? .....Let them know some news about what you have been up to lately? .....Say thank you for the purchase your customer has made? Here are ten reasons why you need to send business Christmas cards It … [Read more...]
10 Reasons to market your business with a printed Calendar
Why would it be a good idea for you to use a printed calendars for your business or organisation? Here are 10 reasons… Brand recognition– Imagine that for 52 weeks of the year, your brand will be situated in view of your client/potential client. When they are on their break and want to look at something while they eat. When they count down the days until their next day off or the weekend. … [Read more...]